I'm Going Natural...Attempt #2

Hello Beauties!

Please try not to roll your eyes this time around. I have really thought about this decision and I am going through with it. I have decided to go natural! Why? Frankly, I like a challenge and I want to try something new. No,  I am not on a journey to "discover" my roots and inner beauty or any other soul searching endeavor. I am quite confident in who I am as a black and beautiful black woman and I do not have warped sense of beauty. I could wear weave tomorrow, braids next week and go bald the month after that. I would still be and feel beautiful.

My hair today is very thick, shiny and healthy. Therefore, I'm not going natural to "have healthy hair".  I have not trimmed my hair since my  
12 inch cut over a year ago and my ends are still "looking fresh."

Simply put, I would like to see my natural texture. My younger sister has done it, why can't I? The decision is not an easy one, however, I am resolved. The big challenge is what will happen at 3 months post.

According to my calendar I am exactly 4 weeks post.Will I big chop at 12 weeks? Let's see. I will provide updates as often as possible.

If you have any tips and encouragement. Please feel free to share!

Until next time... Happy growing!

Happy New Year! What's your resolution?

Happy New Year Beauties!

The tradition is that we set resolutions that we hope to achieve for the new year in pursuit of growth and development. Last year my resolution was to read more books, fiction and non-fiction. I did read a few more books than the previous years. However, to say I am now the avid reader I once was is far from the truth.

The new trend for 2015 is to take the rebellious route (albeit logical) and not have a resolution at all. Some say, why wait 365 days to set new goals when we have today? Further, tomorrow is promised to no one. Others argue the approach of the new year moves one toward introspection, soul searching, and reflection.

 Whatever your decision, here's to new year of laughter, family, friends, adventures, mistakes and new memories.  We will have highs and lows because this is life. What really matters is that we learn and grow from our experiences. Therefore, when its all over one can say; I didn't just exist,  I have truly lived!

Until next time beauties! Happy growing!