Hi Beauties,
I mentioned a few
blog posts ago that I coloured my hair and I got tired of it. A few weeks ago I
decided to end the torture once and for all and dyed my hair black. Stop the
presses! I know many of you may be thinking Dee you have now triple processed
your hair. I am happy to say no...I stopped at double processing. I dyed my
hair naturally with henna and indigo and I am now a happy shade of black. I
have light brown streaks in certain areas of my hair but I am overall
plant based dye that is made from dried henna leaves. They are typically grown
in hot climates such as the parts of
Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. When
used correctly this natural dye is said to impart properties similar to protein
on the hair such as strengthening the
strands, but note it is NOT protein.
There is a wealth of valuable information on henna, its proper use, and DO's and DONT's. For further information please see http://www.hennaforhair.com/freebooks/hennaforhair.pdf
to Henna, Indigo is made from the dried leave of the Indigo plant. It is the
same dye that is used in denim. When mixed with water a blue dye is released.
However, a variety of colours ranging from brown to black can be achieved when
used with henna. Please see http://www.hennaforhair.com/indigo/index.html
Doing a
henna and indigo treatment is quite tedious but it is worth it. My hair feels
stronger and healthier and so far I am very happy with my colour, at first my
hair was jet black and I loved it! I am hoping to do another treatment soon.